We all love to eat, but how do we protect our teeth for life long is the troublesome part.
Whenever we eat, some amount of food gets stuck to our teeth. If left unclean, Bacteria present in the mouth decomposes this food and produces acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel and dentin.
We can prevent cavities by:
1.Brushing and flossing daily.
2.Avoid eating sugary or starchy food often.
3.Use of fluoride toothpaste, which strengthens teeth.
4.Using antibacterial mouthwash to reduce bacteria.
5.Visiting dentist every 6 months for routine check-up.
There are three possible indications that you have a cavity :-
1.Tooth Pain
2.Tooth sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold foods or drinks
3.Pain when chewing.
It is important to get treatment for cavities because if left untreated it may lead to pain, even worse it can lead to complete destruction of tooth structure. There is also the risk of developing an infection related to an abscess when the infection spreads to the root of the tooth.
Treatment options for decayed teeth can be tooth colored fillings, inlays, onlays, Root Canal Treatment (RCT) etc. We at Saini Dental Clinic provide you best treatment option according to the clinical situation.
Visit us immediately for treatment if you have any of these symptoms.